In nearly all of my posts I try and focus on just the good things, the things that will get everyone at home slightly jealous and pissed off at the fact that I am having such a good time on my little trip. I tend to focus on this because no one wants to read about someone on a massive adventure complaining about something when they spend their days looking at amazing sights and trying new things. It just seems like one big first world problem that would just wind people up. Sometimes though there are parts of travelling that are genuinely hard from an emotional level and I just wanted to share that with you all so you know that is isn’t sunshine and rainbows every hour of the day.
Dammit! even when I am trying to say how things are hard I am sat in a coffee shop where a bird has just flown into the building and is sitting on a chair watching people relax. It seems like it is the most chilled out bird in the world as he doesn’t even seem panicked, he is just looking for crumbs and having a little adventure of his own.
Anyway, now he has gone lets get back to the emotion filled point of this tale. Even though I really am loving the travelling and keep myself busy enough to avoid any homesickness it does get hard on weekends like the one that has just passed. Last weekend 2 of my cousins from different sides of my families got married, one on Friday and one on Saturday and I was half the world away, sat on my own the whole time.
Weddings are the one time that families get together and everyone ends up with a smile on their face. Everyone puts on their best clothes and for one day everything is right in the world. All too often these days to families only get together for a funeral or other tragic event so it is great to see that everyone comes together to celebrate something really positive for a change. It is not often that all of my family get together as it can be quite tricky with such a huge family and so many cousins, aunties and uncles but I know everyone made an effort this weekend to give some great turnouts on both sides of the family.
I was lucky enough that my dad managed to get hold of me on Skype towards the end of the night and I was able to have a chat to him, my brother and a few others which was great (especially since they were both quite drunk). It did just give me a little taste though of what I knew I was missing and that was quite hard to get off the call and go back to your empty room again.
Please don’t think I spend all my time in solitary confinement. It just happens that the hostel I am in at the moment is quite empty so I have a 6 bed room to myself. It has been quite nice to have a little personal space and time to reflect though so I cant complain about it too much.
All in all I would still recommend travelling to anyone thinking about it and on the fence (you know who you are). Yes I have missed a few events at home that I wish I was back for but on the other hand I have had 4 months of adventure so far and met hundreds of new and awesome people. I have good friends from so many countries now and places to stay wherever I want to travel. If anything moving around the world now is only going to be harder because I have more people to visit on the way to get anywhere!
So Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Wilson and Mr. & Mrs. Williams and although I couldn’t be there in person my thoughts were with you and the rest of the family.
Love you all x
That was lovely. You were missed and talked about quite a lot xxxxx
If people talk about you it’s because you’re worth talking about, if people don’t then you’re not interesting enough – E.G You breaking the cooker Jane-Ann, which led to a turn of event’s one of which ended up with me in a boot of Adi’s car, some where in Balby (or so I’m led to beleave) and a bucket full of DVD’s, some eggs and bacon…
Figure that one out
Good Memories, Good times. I should start a “random stuff that happened once” section for old stories lol
Will I never live that down. Good thing the police did not pull Adi over. Car full of black guys and a skinny white guy in the boot. Your comment when they let you out was priceless. “Your stereo sounds ace in here Adi”. When am I going to visit your house Cunni so I can splash beans all over your microwave lol xx