It has been a few weeks since I took the plunge and finally cut all my hair off and I’m feeling great. If I am honest it doesn’t look perfect but it does look a whole lot better than I expected it could. I guess the reason for this is that it turns out my head is a nice shape and the colour difference isn’t really noticeable so its all going pretty well.
What I have noticed is that more than how it actually looks, good or bad, the thing that I’m probably happiest about is that I have finally told people and gone ahead and done it which means it is out in the open and there is no going back. It wasn’t the event that has been upsetting me it is more the worrying about the event. Anxiety and anxiousness is something that effects all of us from time to time to a point where it can feel crippling and effect our daily decision. I know myself I have avoided things that would put me in a scenario where someone might see what was going on and point it out. I’ve made sure to try and never be lower than other people and pointing my head down or do something like swimming where it would be obvious how bad it was instantly. All these things have stopped me in my tracks and made me edit my life for a fear which in hindsight is trivial, but at the time was all absorbing.
Guess I just wanted to say that to put a little more context on things.
Thank you to everyone for all the amazing things you have all said. It has put my mind at ease and helped me to feel loved which is amazing considering how far away I am from everyone. I actually have some video’s from the barbers so I will put this all together and get it online soon for anyone who wants to see those fateful last moments!
Thanks again everyone. You are all true friends 🙂
P.S. For anyone wondering, my Christmas adventure was awesome and I will be writing it all up shortly… there is just so much to write!
Hi There Hun I think you look amazing and 10 yrs younger. 😀. When me and your dad read through your last blog I must admit we both wished we could of been there for you as by reading many other comments a lot of other family and friends thought the same. But as we hoped you did it and being the lovely guy that you are have bounced back and we are looking forward to your future adventures love you lots Dad and She’ll 😘😘
Thanks, I really appreciate it and it makes me feel loads more comfortable which is pretty awesome. Just need to hit the gym a little more an keep on the healthy food to get into shape too 🙂 x
Do not think the change is that dramatic as you either had your hair tied back or a hat on so never really saw your hair anyway. Think New look suits you. Have packed you Sunscreen as Marlene and Gerard say it is in 30s in Mauritius now so don’t want your newly exposed skull burning. See you in 3 weeks. Love you. Mum xxxx
Still sexy as fuck!